​​​​​Jericho Underhill Water District Underhill, VT​​​​​​​

October 2012 minutes

all minutes are in draft form


October 1, 2012

7:00 p.m.

Basement of the United Church of Underhill



Peter Mitchell                                                            

 Joe O’Brien                                                                                                                            

 Richard Eldred                                                          

 CLERK                                      ASST.  OPERATOR                               

  Jane Maheux                                  

Peter Mitchell called the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m.

 1. Review & approval of previous minutes. Minutes from the September meeting was approved

2. Review & approval of financial statements. The financial reports for the September meeting were approved

3. Operations Report.

    A. Operator’s report. 

        i. Water usage. 56360 gal/day 

         ii. Test Results and Testing.

             Bacteria results negative.

             Fluoride results within tolerance.

    B. 5 samples have been taken for the Bacteria test.

    C. Chlorine is high to disinfect the water from the hornets, the screen was replaced around the vent and a gasket was put on the door.

    D. Flushing to be October 4th and 5th.

4. Customer concerns/comments.

A.    Letter was sent to Tom Morse explaining why he had the dirty water.

5. Repairs and Maintenance.

A.    Don McDermott would paint 12 hydrants for $125.00.

 6. Old business.

A.    Joe has not heard from Paula Jackson about the Asst. Operator position.
B.     The mowing for 2012 has been done and the bill has been received.
C.    The Board would like Marc to track his extra hours for a trade for a connection.

 7.  New Business:

  1. A.    The Board reviewed the Annual Meeting warning, Dick moved to accept it and Joe seconded it next it will be posted and mailed to all customers.

8. Bills to review & approve for payment. Bills were reviewed and approved.

9. Next Meeting Date:  Next regular meeting November 5, 2012, at 7:00 PM                                       

10. Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 8:12 PM.

Respectfully submitted,


Jane Maheux clerk/ treasurer



Peter Mitchell President