P.O. Box 174, Underhill, Vermont 05489
The legal voters of the Jericho Underhill Water District are hereby warned to meet at the United Church of Underhill, 7 Park Street, Underhill, Vermont on Tuesday, October 8, 2024 at 6:00 PM to transact the following business:
1. To elect a Moderator.
2. To accept the minutes of the 2023 Annual Meeting.
3. To hear and act upon the reports of the Officers including the reports of the Treasurer, Auditors, and Trustees.
4. To elect a Clerk.
5. To elect an assistant Clerk.
6. To elect a Treasurer.
7. To elect three Auditors.
8. To elect a Collector of delinquent water bills
9. To elect a Trustee for a period of three years
10. To establish what the District will pay the Clerk.
11. To establish what the District will pay the Treasurer.
12. To establish what the District will pay the President and the Trustees for expenses.
13. To hear Trustees’ report on changes and edits in the District Regulations
14. To adopt a Budget to meet the expenses and liabilities of the District.
15. To discuss any other business thought proper when met.
16. Adjournment.
Joseph P. O’Brien, President _____________________________
Nancy Benson, Clerk
Dated:____September 11, 2024____________